• You must advise us of any pets or of any personal or family/staff allergies, or other health concerns.
  • Any persons who may be particularly sensitive, or who may suffer from allergic reactions, should, as a matter of precaution, remain out of the premises for a period of twenty-four (24) hours and not return until after the premises have been fully ventilated. Leave any air-conditioners on ‘vent mode’ (so they circulate outside air into the building) for a period of at least four hours after the treatment or after re-occupying.
  • Should you suspect anyone has come into contact with a treated area and has been affected in any way contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 and have this notice with you.
  • You must cover all food items and all food utensils prior to a treatment, as directed.
  • You must remove or protect any people, animals, birds or fish during the treatment period. All pets/animals should be kept away from treated areas until dry and any odour has cleared.
  • You must avoid contact with treated surfaces until the insecticide has dried. This could take three (3) to twenty-four (24) hours in some cases.
  • On external treatments close all doors and windows during the treatment and keep closed until the odour has cleared. This could take three (3) to twenty-four (24) hours in some cases. This is done to avoid any odour entering the building.
  • When gaining access to, or working in the roof void and/or subfloor areas, overalls and gloves and a respirator should be worn to avoid contact with any insecticidal products. The overalls and gloves should be washed immediately and separate from other washing or disposed of as soon as practicable.
  • You must observe any verbal advice provided by our licensed technician at the time of treatment.
  • Only Pest Management agents/products approved by the Department of Primary Industry and/or the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and registered for use within the relevant State or Territory will be used.
  • While every care will be taken, Good Call Carpet Cleaning and Pest Management will not be held liable should staining of timbers, fabrics, wall coverings, floor coverings or any other articles occur.
  • You accept that this Pest Management program can be rendered ineffective if you fail to implement our recommended hygiene procedures, by making building and/or landscaping alterations, or by the introduction of conducive or infested materials.
  • We strongly recommend that you should arrange to have a Timber Pest Inspection and Report completed at least annually and more frequently in high risk areas as recommended in the Australian Standards AS3660.2-2000 Termite Management Part 2: In and around existing buildings and structures-Guidelines, and such inspection and report is to be undertaken in accordance with AS4349.3-1998 Inspection of buildings Part 3: Timber Pest Inspections OR AS3660.2-2000. A Timber Pest Inspection and Report can be arranged upon request and is highly recommended.
  • Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Good Call Carpet Cleaning and Pest Management agrees to provide carpet and upholstery cleaning services to the Customer at an address specified by the Customer.
  • The Service will be for such carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning services as agreed with the Customer at the time of booking.
  • Good Call Carpet Cleaning and Pest Management endeavours to provide the Service faithfully, diligently and in a timely and professional manner.
  • This Pest Management Program is provided solely for the benefit of the Client named overleaf. No liability or responsibility whatsoever, in contract or tort, is accepted to any third party who may rely on the proposal, quotation and/or treatment wholly or in part. Any third party acting or relying upon this proposal/quotation and/or treatment does so at their own risk.
  • They will provide a safe working environment at the address for the Carpet Cleaner to perform the Service;
  • They will provide the Carpet Cleaner with access to all services and utilities (including hot and cold water, electricity, and rubbish bins) as required by the Carpet Cleaner to provide the Service;
  • They will advise Good Call Carpet Cleaning and Pest Management prior to the commencement of the Service of any hazards, slippery surfaces, risks or dangers.
  • They will secure or remove any fragile, delicate, breakable or valuable items, including cash, jewellery, works of art, antiques, or items of sentimental value prior to the commencement of the Service.
  • If the Customer requires the Cleaner to clean behind or under any heavy items (ie, fridge, bookshelves or other furniture), they will move those items prior to the commencement of the service.